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更新时间:2019-12-18 14:32:27 关键词:体外反搏,体外反搏治疗仪


International Expert Consensus: EECP as Prescription for Cardiovascular Rehabilitation


正在北京国家会议中心隆重举办的第二十四届长城国际心脏病学会议 | 亚太心脏大会 2013GW-ICC & APHC)暨第三届国际体外反搏学术交流会于1011日在北京召开《心血管康复体外反搏处方国际专家共识讨论会》。来自中国、美国、英国、土耳其、印度、俄罗斯,以及香港等30多个国家和地区全球体外反搏核心专家出席会议。大会由著名心血管专家胡大一教授、著名体外反搏专家伍贵富教授、JOHN CK HUI教授(美国)担任大会主席并主持讨论。来自世界各地的专家们各抒己见,充分表达了自己的学术观点。一致确认:体外反搏历经四十年的理论研究、临床实践及技术研发早已被实践证明是一种既能体现治疗价值,又能贯通慢性心血管疾病一级和二级预防的,具有鲜明中国特色的传统技术;体外反搏是保护血管内皮细胞,促进损伤血管内膜结构与功能修复的作用,为心血管疾病预防与康复提供了最适宜的非药物干预手段。对此,全球体外反搏核心专家达成了共识:体外反搏将成为心血管康复处方。这就意味着心血管患者有了一个行之有效的、无创伤性的康复途径,这将极大的有利于一、二期心血管疾病的预防与治疗。更是人类健康的福音。

The EECP as Prescription for Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Expert Consensus Meeting was held on Oct. 11th, during the event of the 24th Great Wall International Congress of Cardiology, Asia Pacific Heart Congress 2013 (GW-ICC & APHC), and the 3rd International EECP Symposium in Beijing. Hosted by distinguished professor HU Da-yi, and attended by keynote experts on EECP from over 30 countries and regions around the globe, it was as a great opportunity for a roundtable discussion for different academic viewpoints. Consensus was reached that through four decades of basic research, clinical practice and technological development, EECP is proven to be a valuable therapeutic modality for both primary and secondary prevention for cardiovascular diseases. By protecting and restoring endothelial structural and functional integrity, EECP is as an optimal non-pharmacological intervention effective not only for treatment of diseases, but also for rehabilitation.In other words, EECP is expected to benefit as a “prescription” for cardiovascular rehabilitation. This is good news for patientsburdened with cardiovascular diseases.